Friday, April 10, 2009

Update On The Cast-Iron Skillet

Love it, love it, love it!! Who knew it'd be so easy to use?? I kinda-sorta always had this idea that cast iron was a PITA (pain-in-the-ass, for future reference) but this big skillet is da bomb!

I have made spaghetti sauce and taco innards in it. To clean up is so easy. Just set it off to the side, let cool, clean with hot water and all the stuff inside falls out on its own! Wipe it down and add a smidge of veggie oil, swirl around and we're good to go on the next round. I was wondering if maybe Crisco might be better than the oil but the oil seems to be working fine.

The only thing I'm having a problem with is lifting the thing when it has meat in it that needs draining. Even with the handhold on the opposite side from the handle, it's still hot and bulky with really hot fat sloshing around. That's the down side so far. But it's really nice to have such a big skillet that I can move meat around or flip a pancake and have plenty of room to manuever.

So, all in all, I'm loving my cast iron and next need a dutch oven. I used to have one and got to where I could make things pretty easily. I mean, you can't burn food in a dutch oven and for me, that's a sweetheart deal!

Enjoy your cooking, everyone!!

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