Saturday, June 13, 2009

Found The 'Good' Coffeemaker! Yahoo!!

Hubby was rummaging through our shed and came across our good coffeemaker. Now this sucker is the one that you fill up and after it filters the water through, all you gots t' do is hold your mug up to push the bar and coffee comes out. No coffeepot, a'tall.

We didn't realize how much we liked that 'maker. Matter of fact, we'd sort of forgotten about it since it was in storage for so long.

The only problem that I see in making a fresh pot is it's a bit more labor intensive. "Labor intensive"...*snork*... Yep, I have to lift out the coffee grounds holder, take out the water resevoir, fill it and then put it all back together with the filter and coffee. But, you understand, it's that extra step that's just a bit much. :-)

But, for coffee, I'll do almost anything for the brew. Nothing like a fresh cuppa first thing in the morning whilst you contemplate the day...or almost the last thing at night whilst you contemplate what went wrong during the day.

Yep, I'm a happy camper!

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